Looks like a good one - anything by Blanchard is golden to me, and I've always dug Bruce Barth's approach. Don't know why albums like this fall by the wayside and out of print, but thanks for calling attention to it!
Tambien es importante comentarles que por cuestiones laborales no lo dedico un 100% de mi tiempo aunque esta mas que claro que pongo lo mejor para que uds disfruten de esta buena musica. Es por eso que en los ultimos link's notaran que mis comentarios se resumen unicamente a la formacion de cada album...mis disculpas jazzeros!.
Si estan interesados en los covers de dichos album's, contactense ajazzconcreto@gmail.com.
1 comentario:
Looks like a good one - anything by Blanchard is golden to me, and I've always dug Bruce Barth's approach. Don't know why albums like this fall by the wayside and out of print, but thanks for calling attention to it!
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